Internal Reviews and Investigations Division
Do you want to upload files?
To file a complaint or report any misconduct relating to ethics, fraud, waste, or abuse by an LADBS employee, please provide the following information:
*Required fields are marked with an asterisk
Date (for range of dates check the box
Dates cannot be after today's date.
Start date must be before end date.
Location where incident occurred
How did you become aware of this incident?
What is your relationship to LADBS (ie: customer, contractor)
Please identify the person(s) engaged in this behavior: First Name, Last Name
Please provide all details regarding the alleged incident, including the location of witnesses and any other information that would assist in the evaluation and resolution of this incident. Please provide as much detail as possible.
Do you wish to remain anonymous for this complaint?
If you want to be contacted by a representive. Please complete the following.
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Do not intentionally include false or misleading information in your complaint. The intentional reporting of false or misleading information may result in civil or criminal liability.